
Unaswered Questions

At the end of a recent reading and book signing event, a woman approached me with some earnest questions.

“Can you help me find answers about how to care for my father?”

She shared that her parents live in California where many social services have been cut for budgetary reasons. Her mom has been caring for her father who has been recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. The father has become difficult to handle. The mother is now too exhausted and burned out to be a compassionate caregiver. Three daughters, who all care about both of their parents’ well-being, do not live close by and are attempting to take turns being there to help. There is not enough money for full-time caregivers. Is there an appropriate residential facility that is affordable? Is there adult day care near by?

“It’s like child care,” she concluded. “If you don’t have enough money to hire someone to take care of your child, then you have to do it yourself.”

I find this heart wrenching situation to be all too pervasive. What are the choices? What is a workable solution? I’ve spent lots of time pondering how to provide some answers.

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